Research study on the integration of e-payments into the online transaction process

Scope and content of the study
In order to support policy development of the European Commission, the IPTS/ePSO has assigned S. Lelieveldt Consultancy to produce a research study on the integration of e-payments into the online transaction process, including negotiation, payment and fulfilment functionality. The study covered both the Business to Consumer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B) segment and discussed the following issues:
- current practices with respect to building integrated on-line shopping processes, 
- standards, models and architectures for the shopping and payment process, 
- policy options and need for further standardisation. 

Workshop in Seville
The research study has been distributed and presented to participants of an expert workshop, organised by the ePSO staff. The workshop has taken place on November 9, 2001, in Seville and served to stimulate discussion on the issue. The ePSO-staff will use the report and the discussions at the workshop to produce a background paper on the complete e-commerce transaction process. 
- The workshop agenda and speeches 
- Presentation of the research study (1 mb powerpoint presentation) 
- The research study (summary) 
- PDF-file of the research study (214 kB) 

About the IPTS/ePSO project
IPTS, the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, of the European Commission’s DG Joint Research Center has set up an electronic Payment Systems Observatory (ePSO). The primary ePSO project objective is to enhance the information exchange in the field of e-payment systems.

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